Ahem. My dear little Beast. Could you tear your eyes away from that cartoon for a moment? This may come as a surprise to you, but your baby sister is a human being. And decidedly
Not to mention that you outweigh her by about 20 pounds.
So, would you kindly find a new seat?
But wait! First let me snap a crooked, blurry, cluttered picture. (I'm sure it's not the least bit confusing that I'm telling you to move and stay put at the same time.)
Why, yes, reader, that is exactly the calm manner in which I addressed the little Beast when I walked in on him using Beauty as a makeshift stool. I certainly did not raise my voice or make idle threats. Oh, and please don't worry your pretty little head about our Beauty, as she wasn't bothered in the least at being crushed underneath her big brother. In fact, she actually had the nerve to smile and laugh while he tortured her this way. What the %@*#?!
Before you go, don't forget to check out my Support Our Troops Giveaway, for a chance or two to win an awesome care package!

So sorry... was totally cracking up because I'm the same way about catching Itty Bit doing something he shouldn't, then realizing it's a photo-op. Think I'm sending him some mixed messages?
"OH GROSS honey, don't lick the window like that!"
"Okay, now look at mommy and do it again"... *sigh*
Your little Beauty sounds like a saint! :)
LOL! That is too cute!! She is going to be a tough little girl!
That is a cute pic!
Oh and BTW...my boy still sits on my girl. She is his personal chair and has been for 3 3/4 yrs, lol.
LOL. That is funny. In my house it is the other way around. My 19 month old sits on my 6 yr old son's head without warning. LOL
Ha, I've caught that same scenario before in my house. Too funny!!
Mu husband called us weird... Haha! He got a good kick out of the fact that we are concerned with photos for the blog!
Great Picture!!
Why do kids do stuff like this? Last night my daughter was poking my son in the eye over and over, and he was laughing. Then they both got upset when we put her in time out...
THAT is hilarious! LOL! sorry. I know, I should be all worried, but really she looks fine and you did get a great pic out of the ordeal! LOL!
Don't worry she will get her revenge. My youngest seems to be the tough cookie out of my 2 girls.
You always have to grab the camera when something blogworthy happens!! She is going to be a tough little girl with all the abuse she suffers at the hands of the beast!!
That's so funny.... cute how they think that things like that are just supposed to be.
but..but, mommy! LOL! You should see some of my gems as well. where do these kids come up with this stuff?
Ha - that's hilarious! My 2 year old was nearby while I was reading this and I showed him the photo. Of course, his response was "He's watching a show!"...completely oblivious to the baby...as it is most days in our house as well :)
Well, now. That looks familiar. Noah used to do that all the time to Jack.
How old are your kids again? I ask because my daughter is 3 and my son is almost 11 months, and they do this kind of stuff all the time?! And my son also seems to enjoy being sit on, balls thrown in his face, crushed, etc. etc. Is it an age thing, or the older sibling making sure the younger knows who's boss?! LOL
P.S. I would have taken a picture before demanding anyone move too!
hahaha this is so cute!!!
This is so adorable.
She is already learning the causalities of being the little sister. :)
too cute!!!!!
So typical & very cute!
Ahhhhh...siblings are great aren't they?
Oh this is one of my favorite places each week!
That's so funny! I can hear it "Get off of her!!! As soon as I take a picture."
that is hilarious and you are a very entertaining read! your daughter will be one tough girl!!
thanks for your comment on my "i heart faces" entry! you are too kind!
Awww how cute. Seemed little sis didn't mind it too much that she had a person sitting her back.
Hi, stopping by from SITS.
That pic is hilarious!!
Haha! That's too cute!
LOL - hilarious! haha
How funny, I must admit that is hilarious! And she's such a great sport. Too cute!
i also have many pictures of sibling love....lol.
Haha! She doesn't look too incredibly bothered by her status as furniture!
So cute. But what a cozy chair it is.
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