And even if you don't live near one of these delicious and fun restaurant locations, you can use the gift certificate to buy their cheesecakes online so there's no reason NOT to enter this fantastic giveaway! Here's how you can qualify to win:
1. Be a follower of my blog. (You won't be sorry. I have regular giveaways AND my kids are funny!)
2. Comment on this post letting me know you're a follower.
Yep, it's that simple! You can even qualify for MORE chances to win by doing any or all of the steps below: (each action qualifies as one extra entry, but be sure to leave a separate comment for each step you take because your comment counts as your entry!):
3. Join my BlogFrog community using my new widget on the sidebar.
4. Blog about this giveaway on your own site with a linkback to Two Under Two. Whew!
5. Follow me on Twitter (just click my sidebar button!)
I will select a winner using the random.org widget at Midnight EST on Thursday, March 12th (that's 9 am on Wednesday on the West Coast). Please make sure you have a blog or email address I can contact you at or I'll have to choose another winner! Thanks for playing!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 219 Newer› Newest»Following! Spring Fling is off to a great start :)
I just started following! I LOVE Cheesecake Factory!! :D
Okay..I'm already a follower!!
I will be posting about this on my blog tomorrow! I'll leave a comment again when I did that!!
Love Cheesecake Factory!!
I am now a follower! I have only been blogging since the end of January and am new to SITS and the blogging world!
You had me at cheesecake
mmmmm cheesecake factory!
Happy Spring Fling SITSta!
I'm following! ;-)
I follow...now give me cheesecake!
Um, YUM! I'm a-followin'!
I am a follower too, neighbor! Happy SITS Spring FLing day
I don't think your twitter link is working...Sorry I couldn't add you.
I'm following...I can taste the avacado spring rolls as I type.....what great giveaway!!!
Love me some cheesecake for sure!
And I see you're in Seattle. Not too far from me. SO, hey neighbor! =D
I'm following you now.
I joined you on BlogFrog. =)
I am now following! I can't wait to read more of your blogs. I know how crazy life can be. I have 3 KIDS UNDER 2!!!!!!
I'm a follower now! That cheesecake looks soooooo good!
Oh, I could go for some cheesecake right about now!
Following you straight to the Cheesecake Factory! Mmmm Mmm! I'm getting fat just thinking about what I would do with my winnings, lol!
Following! LOVE me some Cheesecake Factory!! I love the lemon raspberry cheesecake!
Oh, and I'm on blog frog, too!
Great giveaway!!! Hope I win =) I am now a follower of your lovely blog as well!
Mmmmm... cheescake!!!
I'm following your blog.
And I'm following you on twitter!
yummmmmmmy!!! I'm following!
Yummy...and I'm following!!!
I'm already following :)
Yum, Yum, Yum.
MMMmmmm CHEESECAKE.. **Licks the screen**
I just followed you on twitter.. start using that girlie!!!
I am now a follower!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
okay I am now a follower, puhleasssseee pick me. Only been there twice, one time was my three year gastric bypass surgery anniversary...leftovers yay!!
I'm following your blog!
Following you on Twitter!
Sounds Awesome! Gotta Love Cheesecake Factory! Count me in! Happy Spring Fling!
Drove by CCF today, my mouth watered...here's to hoping!!!
WOW, who doesn't love the Cheesecake Factory? Great giveaway.
I am a new follower.
Just started following! Your kids are beautiful! Love the Sleeping Beauty pic~
Add me in! Thanks SISTA!
i'm following you on twitter!
I love The Cheesecake Factory! I am now following you!
Happy Spring Fling!
I am following you here and on Twitter (@crazymommie) Love the Cheesecake Factory! Thanks... and check out my Spring Fling Giveaway!
Your Twitter link isn't working and because I love cheesecake so much, I researched to find your Twitter page. Here it is for the other folks that are looking for it http://twitter.com/Cari2Under2Whew
When I saw cheesecake...I had to come over..oh yum!
sandy toe
I'm following. You doesn't love cheesecake??
I'm a follower. Great giveaway!
I'm already a lover of your blog, now I'm stalking you on Twitter and I joined the BlogFrog Community (i was ahead of the game, i already had a link to you!)
Now all I have left to do is get a link up to your post and I will have all tasks complete:)
You have convinced me...I'm a follower!!
GReat giveaway!!
Love Cheesecake factory! Stopping by from SITS, thanks for being part of Spring Fling.
I'm a new follower! And CHeesecake Factory is soo yummy!
I'm a follower! Thanks for the great giveaway!!!
great giveaway, would love to win some cheesecake!
I found the correct twitter link and follow you there, too: JanelleKC. Thanks again!
I'm now a follower!
And I'm following you on Twitter!
Did somebody say the magic word "cheesecake"...I heard it clean over in Massachusetts and had to come running! I'm now a follower!
I'm a Follower ~ believe it or not, I am a Cheesecake Factory virgin - would love to win this drawing! :o)
Joy <--stopping by via SITS
I added your giveaway information to the Current Giveaways link on my sidebar:
I'm following you on Twitter {joytotheblog}
I linked to you on Blog Frog. :O)
I'm in, I'm following - should have been already since I find myself over here a lot recently :)
Following you through blogger. Thanks!
i am now a follower! i would L-O-V-E some cheesecake...i can't remember the last time i endulged myself witha slice!
i look forward to visiting your blog...i host a weekly giveaway on my blog, so check it out every friday!
Yummy! Cheesecake! Count me in! I follow! :)
I am a follower, Where we going, I know back to Spring Fling. Do you follow me?
Oh, that would make my husband a happy man! LOL! I am a follower!
I am following you on Twitter! JustJingle
I'm following... and my mouth is watering!!
Don't think the Twitter button is working right! boo!
I am a follower and I would LOVE to win some cheesecake! It's one of those rare treats that I never get, but inhale everytime I do!
I love cheesecake. Awesome!
I blogged about your giveaway here:
I follow you and I would LOVE some cheesecake!
I'm part of your blog frog community already (see my pic over there!?)
I follow you on twitter (@1momof5)
My Favorite restaurant ever! I am now a follower!
Following! Thanks for the yummy giveaway!!
Cool! I love finding new people to follow! (I'm so over twitter though) so I'll just follow your blog!
Have a great day!
Following! I'm loving spring fling, and I also have a giveaway on my page =D
I L.O.V.E. cheesecake factory!
I follow you.
I follow you on Twitter:0)
I'm following now... and that cheesecake looks delish!
I love Cheesecake!!! YUM! Following you too.
I'm a follower now! Who could resist cheesecake?!
Oh and I'm following you on Twitter too!
I'll join this contest....LOVE Cheesecake Factory!
I haven't eaten at the CF in years. I'd fight the crowds if I had a $25.00 GC! :)
I am a follower.
You have a wonderful blog! I am visiting via Sits. I hope you will stop by and enter my giveaway too.
I am now a follower:D Came by from SITS.We used to live in the Seattle area too. I actually miss it!(never thought i would say that though) We now live in the sunshine. Stop by my blog sometime and say hi.
P.S. pick me..Pick me:D
Happy spring fling!
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I am following you, and not just because of cheesecake (although the chance to win it definitely got me over here!) I love finding new blogs, especially those of mommies with young children so that I don't feel so aloooone-lol!
I would love to follow you on twitter-but your link is sending me somewhere weird....
My twitter is melaniescrafts
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I'm not a follower :) I love Cheesecake Factory
I am following you now! That cheesecake looks divine:-)
What a great giveaway! =D
This is so much fun!
Now a follower. :)
I'm following, my SITSta!
I'm following you now!
I'm a follower now...and hoping for some cheesecake!! ;)
Just stumbled on your blog a couple of days ago. Since I'll be having our second baby in a few (not soon enough) weeks...I've enjoyed hearing about your 2 under 2. Although, ours will be 2 under 2 for about a month before we upgrade to 2...2 and under! ;)
Count me in as a follwer!
MMMM Cheesecake factory...SO YUMMY!!!!
I became a follower :)
I also became a twitter follower:)
Never had the CF, but would love to try it. Cute kids by the way!
I'm a blog follower!
MMM, yes please!
I am a follower Happy Springtime everyone.
2 under 2 i'm glad to be a follower. And the cheesecake would be nice. Thanks for the chance
Oooooh My daughter and I love cheesecake. Follow, Frog, and comment... Yep, I'm good!
I'm a new follower. And ummm, yummy! I love cheesecake factory!
I'm a new follower.
I love the name of your blog. :)
LeslieVeg is following you on Twitter!
Who does NOT love cheescake! Drool! Thanks for a chance to win!!!
Following SITSta ;)
Love me some CF. 2 under 2? Wow.
Hats off to ya.
Who doesn't love cheesecake? yummy!
I became a follower and I'm going to follow you on twitter too (my username is jennaflower).
Happy Spring Fling!
Finally became a follower. after reading your blog a lot lately. Also following on Twitter. I will do almost anything for cheesecake!
ONE of my absolute fav restaurants!!!!!!!
Following. Thanks for the giveaway
following on Twitter
Awesome giveaway!
I follow you here and on Twitter (Lallybroch).
I am a follower! Yum...I love Cheesecake Factory cheesecake.
I am a stalker....Pumpkin Cheesecake here i come!!
I am a new follower! Now to look around!
HI i found your site the SITS and I love it.. i also added myself to followers list.. awesome give away! please include me!
Great giveaway! Happy Spring Fling!
Oh yum..the baby is so making me enter! I'm following you b/c you said I wouldn't be sorry!......so lets see what you got! :) And I see you have two little ones..I have tons of giveaways on my blog for babies and toddlers...come check it!
And NOW..I'm following you on twitter! :)
Their banana creme cheesecake is the best!! I'm a follower!
I sooo love cheesecake....pick me pick me!!! Im a follower now too
I'm a follower. Thanks for the chance to win!
kport207 at gmail dot com
Two under two??? Maybe you should come over and win my prize, you deserve it!
I am now a follower. Last year I had two under two too. This year i need cheesecake...
I am so following you! Not so sure why I wasn't before, huh. Doesn't matter now!
I am in! Already a follower. Love The Cheesecake Factory!
I'm a follower - and YES I love being one :)
Yum! Cheesecake! I'm a follower!
Following on twitter, morphsrose.
I am now a follower
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love cheesecake! I'm now a follower!
Hi I'm new here, and am now a follower! Cute blog! Thanks for the giveaway...we just had a Cheesecake Factory open here not too long ago!
Following on Twitter too! (lynnslife)
Oh I love cheesecake!
Your babies are adorable! Crossing my fingers and thinking vanilla bean cheesecake thoughts....mmmmm! Thanks!
p.s. I look forward to following along your adventures!
I'm now a follower...looking forward to that cheesecake :-)
I'm following...would love that GC...yummy!'
I have a giveaway on my blog to...stop by if you have a chance.
Never made it into a Cheesecake Factory but know where therte is one. Pop over to mine to get in on my give away too
I'm a follower now and count me in!
I'm followin' ya.
I am already a follower!
I just started following. My husband would probably do dishes for a weak if i won.lol thanks jacquecurl@gmail.com
Am now following you on Twitter (CarmaSez) - I can tell how groggy I was this morning when I typed my earlier comment - meant to type "who" not "you" LOL ;-)
I'm following you! You have made me crave cheesecake now!
I just signed up to be a follower -
I hope I did it correctly.
Cheesecake factory sounds yummy.
I'm a follower. I and I once ate almost an entire cf cheesecake by myself so I would love this!
Oh yummy! i have only been once!
I am now a follower ;)
Thank you for the compliment on my graphics at CC :)
Im following ya! I love cheesecake! Great giveaway!
Following you on twitter too! mom2anutball
im now following you on twitter too!
Following!! Love Cheesecake Factory!!
I think you are funny and wonderful and I love talking to you each week : ). What a nice giveaway. Someday I hope you are as cool as me.
I meant, I hope I am as cool as you : ).
That is so funny!
Yay! Cheesecake factory!I'm a follower.
Nothing says happy happy like some cheesecake! I'm following you for sure. And your kids are adorable!
Hi. I'm following your blog.
I'm also following you on Twitter.
I posted about your contest and linked here http://coconutnoodlemonkey.blogspot.com/2009/03/giveaways-giveaways-giveaways.html
Joined the frog community and added it to my site, that is a cool tool!
camdg(@) columbus.rr.com
I became a follower, I love the title of your website!
camdg(@) columbus.rr.com
I became a follower, I love the title of your website!
camdg(@) columbus.rr.com
Following on twitter, I actually signed up for twitter tonight. I have been wanting to do it, now I have good reason! :)
camdg(@) columbus.rr.com
I am following your blog.
I am also following you on twitter.
Hi! Your kids are so cute! I became a follower of your blog!!
I added you to my google reader.
Hi there!! I just posted about your giveaway on my blog!! :)
I am a new follower, your site looks really cute and who doesn't love cheesecake??
this is a question I don't actually want an answer to, if you don't like cheesecake I am not sure we can be friends
sports dot erikalynn at gmail dot com
i follow on twitter-shawnmh
Oh you mean, mean woman...offering something I soooooooo LOVE and something I soooooooo don't need! What the heck...sign me up anyway :)
Oooh, Ive never eaten @ the cheesecake factory before. So, this will definitely be a treat if I win!! hehe.
sa3 at aol.com
YUM! I Love cheesecake, although I've never been to the cheesecake factory before! and I didnt know you can order there cheesecakes online, thats awesome! Thanks for entering me, I just became a follower :)
I LOVE the Cheescake Factory. I signed up to Follow!
I'm now following your blog :)
I blogged your giveaway :)
Ok I am following you because I absolutely love cheesecake!
Great giveaway! And yes your kids are funny. I love reading those posts. :)
I'm a follower!! Woo hoo! :D
I've only ever eaten at Cheesecake Factory once (one just opened in my town about a year ago) but it was GOOD and I'd love to have an excuse to go back!!
Cheers, SITSta! :)
I need it!
Happy Spring Fling! I'm following your blog. Yummy!
Thanks for the giveaway! They just opened up a location in my city so this would be awesome to win. I'm now a follower, cute blog title, btw. :)
I am following the blog
Great yummy giveaway
Following you on Twitter..amyb1569
How fun! Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Cheesecake is my favorite treat! I have never been to a cheesecake factory...nowhere near me! Would love to try one out!!! I am now a follower!! Lookin forward to it!
Oh I absolutely love cheesecake.
This is a very delicious giveaway! I follow.
TRigell at aol dot com
I follow on twitter... TTRigell
TRigell at aol dot co
I blogged about this giveaway at www.slowingdownabit.blogspot.com
So glad I found your blog. I am a follower.
i am following!!!!!
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