This week, I did NOT steal a box of the Girl Scout Cookies I bought for my Sugarbear, then stash them in the console of my minivan where I could secretly enjoy them while running my errands sans-children. (Yep, that's right. I said minivan. I rock the Caravan. That's how I roll!)
I absolutely did NOT sneak out into the carport late last night and sit in my minivan eating hidden Girl Scout cookies. In the dark. By myself.
I also did NOT think to myself while watching Johnny and the Sprites on Playhouse Disney Saturday morning, "Wow, that Johnny is actually kinda hot." If I did start to develop crushes on the stars of my children's cartoon shows, I hope that my pretend Internet friends would NOT stage some kind of cyber-intervention for me.

When the little Beast woke crying at midnight the other night, I felt nothing but sympathy and concern. I did NOT feel even the slightest hint of annoyance at having my blog time interrupted - my only moments of privacy all day since the Beast refuses to take naps anymore. Nope, I was just fine giving up me-time to rub his back until he fell asleep again.
The next day while attempting to enforce naptime, I did NOT stick a chair under the knob of the little Beast's door to keep him in his room after he did NOT knock down his baby gate, climb over his sister's gate, crawl into her crib and wake her from a perfectly peaceful sleep. And I certainly did NOT consider for a split second doing something worse than locking him in his room at that moment. A lesser mom might have, but moms as fabulous at parenting as I am never lose patience.
Well, that's all the bad behavior I'm willing to admit today, but you don't want to miss my post tomorrow when I'm giving away a $25 gift certificate in honor of the SITS Spring Fling!

*photo courtesy of
I laughed and laughed!
I have not snuck goodies when I know Itty Bit is not around. And certainly not as soon as he is asleep... like running to the kitchen and finding my hidden stash :)
Ay-yi-yi... time-out time for sure after waking baby sister!
At least he didn't run to the door of the sanctuary (during church) and slam it repeatedly this morning... UGH! :)
I do not have a hidden stash of yummies either..
Can't wait to hear about the giveaway...
Happy Monday.
Ok, I JUST CAN'T get myself to charge yet... but, if you haven't already done so, I'd like to get your name on my list. : ) Want a blog makeover? They're just too fun for me and I feel like charging will ruin that somehow. You can, um, pay me with lunch sometime when us Washington folks all meet up!! I have one ahead of you and then you're next. : )
Sounds like you had a fun week! LOL!
I could never hide cookies in my car! My kids would find it! LOL
I'm totally NOT going to do the same thing and stash Mommy's ONLY stuff in there!
Er, I totally do NOT have a kidtvshow crush on some of my kids shows.
LOVED your NOT me post!!!
I have a restraining order against girl scout cookies. I can kill a box in no time and that's not good for me right now! I would have done the chsir thing too. I'm currently on the verge of duct taping my kid's arms to his sides so he can't hit people, so I feel for you!
Love your list! Sounds nothing like what goes on over here either!
Great post! I never sneak goodies either.......
and I dont have a child who wakes up at midnight...nope not me!
I would not hide a box or two maybe even three nope wouldn't do it!!! Great not me's!!!
Eating cookies in the minivan, huh? Good thing that wasn't you doing such a thing. I most definitely do not hide candy in my closet, and then stand in there eating it!
great not me monday, I guess the girscout cookies must be really good
That was awesome. The thought of you sitting in the minivan eating cookies!! Love it! Good for you, sounds like something I should do! Have a great week!
I've had thoughts about that Johnny too! He is kind of cute ;) It's so sad!! In my defense, he reminds me of a kid I sort of dated in high school for a second. But still...Wow, I need to start watching more adult TV.
Interesting list, LOL! Saw you on the SITS rollcall.
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