I picked up the little Beast's usual gourmet lunch at the Golden Arches today. Yeah, that's right, I'm a stellar mom when it comes to balanced nutrition (a multi-vitamin and a Pediasure count, right?) Anyway, as we were pulling away from the drive-through window, I handed him his Happy Meal toy over the back of my seat. Thrilled beyond measure with the cheap hunk of plastic that would shortly be lost and forgotten amongst the other debris stuffed under the backseat, he cheerfully exclaimed, "
Thanks, mom! I so proud you!"
Wow! After 2 years, 5 months, and 10 days of exhausting, exasperating, unceasing hard work on his behalf, the little Beast
FINALLY offered some measure of gratitude and praise. For what? For handing him a 25 cent toy that came with the artery-clogging meal that I bought, rather than made, and served in the car. Well done, mama, well done.
That is flippin' hilarious!
And thanks for your sweet congratulatory email...that was how I found out I won! I'm so pumped! Enjoy your day!
Oh yeah... but what you should feel good about is that he knows that phrase "I'm Proud" -- someone is using it to him... and that is awesome!
Made me smile - hilarious! Have a great day!
Oh yeah, I got Kaishon a Happy Meal tonight too. On the way to the $55 an hour therapist. Amazing parenting : )...
Thanks for your nice words about being the fan of the week. It was such a sweet thing : ). It made my day.
How cute is that! I love when they start using phrases like that and at the funniest times!
Oh, that's cute, he is proud of you!
Yay, you... :<) It IS funny to see what they view as good mothering, isn't it? My boy is nine, and he thinks I'm at my best if I let him zone out to Cartoon Network while munching on a big box of Nerds (or pure sugar.. he'd be happy if I'd give him a box of that and a straw). I say you take compliments howEVER you can get them from your kids...
My kids think I'm an amazing mom when I let them watch TV all day...
I left an award for you on my blog:
You have some really funny posts. I enjoy reading them. And you have a beautiful family. Don't you just love those readily available subjects when it comes to photography? :) Great entries for the "Wonder" contest...loved the one of your sister holding your daughter.
BTW, thank you for visiting my blog. I love the sweet comment you left!
That is hilarious! And so sweet. BTW--YOU WON my Cherish Bound giveaway!! I didn't see an email for you, so please email me at lollislife at gmail so I can get the info to forward on to Cherish Bound. :)
OMG, that was a fantastic story! I'm right there with you on the happy meals...they're the highlight of my monster's week! Thank you so much for the congratulations, it means a lot that other people actually enjoy my work! Thanks again!
That is so cute. Way better than "I win I win" which is what my boy says.
You must praise him often for him o know those words.
Hysterical! I love this tid bit! Definitely made me chuckle.
What a hoot! I'm with Pam... you gotta take compliments anytime you get them! :) At least he's a grateful little cutie!
And ahem... Itty Bit just had his very first Happy Meal. And it totally sucked because he wanted BREAD with nothing on it, and what is a little kid gonna do with a music CD? He couldn't play with it at Mickey D's - so the magic was quickly lost on him, LOL.
Such a cute story - thanks for joining up!
OK, so I read this and thought "I've read that before!" Then I saw Rachel's comment. Then I scrolled up and saw that I not only read it before, but I COMMENTED... and didn't remember that part! Hee! Yeah, I stand by my former remarks...
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