Thank you for stopping by! As I rarely have time to update this blog anymore, please come visit me at my new photoblog,
Cari Berry Photography where I'll blog the occassional Beauty and the little Beast story, as well as post sneak peeks and stories from all my photo sessions. I try to give return blog love to all visitors over there, and hope to start giveaways there in the very near future!
For visitors to this blog, please accept my apologies, but I've had to turn on captcha because of the insane amount of spam comments I've been getting. Dontcha hate it when one bad apple ruins it for everyone else??!! ;)
Beautiful photos! I think her eyes look amazing! Great job! ;)
I love your kids entry. I think the light looks perfect just the way it is! Great job.
Great Job! I always go b/w when the background bugs me... or i just put in a new one. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for stopping by our blog. Your "novice photography" is quite good. Keep it up! Like another poster said, I think the lighting looks pretty good just the way it is. I love how children's eyes light up so much better than adults. Their eyes are gorgeous!
Her eyes are captivating! I love the second pic too. You captured a really sweet moment. Some of my favorite photos of my husband are the ones in which he is interacting with our kids.
Ps. I love the title of your blog! Mine are four and three years apart and even that was hard. Blessings!
Great shot of your daughter. You are NOT a novice anymore.
Faints! That first picture just stole my heart. Great capture!
Really great pictures. I can't believe how much you are learning : ). I love the your son playing with his Dad in the snow! SO sweet. And your baby girl! Well, I don't even have words for her adorableness! So sweet!
Both are great pictures, I think the first one is my favorite, I love her beautiful eyes and that adorable headband and oh well just everything!
Wow! These are precious!
thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a nice comment...i'm hoping this generates more traffic cause it inspires me to write more often...after all, who wants to write to themselves, lol!...that baby pic is precious beyond words...and the expression on the daddies face in the other is precious too! nice work on the photography! blessings...
I am a heavy contrast gal in B&W, too...I think you did a marvelous job on the child entry! The simplicity of the set up and the soft light are tremendous. And I agree, the snow does do better in B&W. Great entries!
Fabulous Entries! I love how the natural light captures her eyes and the flower is to die for! Love it! We have the same hat as your sweet boy. Don't you just love the pics of them with their dad? You will be in the top ten for sure!
What a BEAUTIFUL picture!! She is stunning!!
lol Forgot to tell you that there is NO vignette. It just shadowed that way. I added one and it was way to dark. Look at the left side of the photo and you can tell. Too funny huh? I think that sometimes we are our biggest critics. i love the lighting that you are wanting to correct. The tones keep it interesting.....
Oh those are great shots!! Love her headband... so adorable!
These are beautiful pictures, I love the first one with her big headband. Gorgeous!!!
Both are just beautiful! Your little one's eyes are perfect, with those lovely catchlights. That is a portrait to be proud of. And your hubby's and son's faces just show exactly the fun they were having in the snow. I love contrast, too! Great job!
She is such a cutie!
I absolutely love both of these shots! Beautiful!
Both pictures are wonderful. I love your sweetie's look in the first one.
Great job with your entires! Love the lighting on your little girl's photo. Just perfect!
Melinda B
Just adorable. So cute!
This shot is just PRECIOUS! Popping by via I ♥ Faces
I think you did a great job on your lighting. :) Such a precious subject too!
Your kids entry is gorgeous! I am really trying to figure out black and white as well...I really want to develop "the touch."
Love this weeks entries of yours! She is beautiful and the shot with your son and his dad is adorable!
I like to do focal B&W. Pick a pink bunny, red heart and put it in the pic and then draw out all the color except that. I like your pic in plain B&W though.
Those are both really great photos! Your kids are adorable!
Isn't it funny how critical we are of our own pictures? I think the picture of your daughter is perfect. The side light helps accentuate the features of her face. Her expression is so sweet! Those beautiful eyes. Very impressive photos!
Your daughter has such beautiful eyes and I love her cute little expression. And where did you find the headband? I can't find head bands like those anywhere. As for your adult entry, there is nothing like the snow that brings joy in little ones and, of course, their parents watching over. They look so content and overjoyed.
Oh, I love them both. That one of beauty though, is stunning.
Wow, oh wow! I love the eyes in the first picture, and the second picture is all about FUN!
The picture of your daughter is beautiful. I hope you have that framed somewhere in your home.
gorgeous baby face
Cari, those pictures are fantastic! I love the picture of beauty. Profesh, for sure.
Ondry! I love it :)
I want that hair bow... LOL... her big eyes and that big bow go hand in hand... what a precious little girl
Man, what a beautiful baby girl you have!! I always love your photos and this week was no exception.
what a cutie!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your entries as well! What a gorgeous baby!!
The first picture is just beautiful! She is gorgeous!
Wow! I love the picture of your daughter! She's beautiful and so is the photo!
Love this shot SOOOOOOO much! Beautifully done, and of course, your little subject is absolutely adorable. :)
Thank you for joining our theme this month!
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