Thank you for stopping by! As I rarely have time to update this blog anymore, please come visit me at my new photoblog, Cari Berry Photography where I'll blog the occassional Beauty and the little Beast story, as well as post sneak peeks and stories from all my photo sessions. I try to give return blog love to all visitors over there, and hope to start giveaways there in the very near future!
For visitors to this blog, please accept my apologies, but I've had to turn on captcha because of the insane amount of spam comments I've been getting. Dontcha hate it when one bad apple ruins it for everyone else??!! ;)
For visitors to this blog, please accept my apologies, but I've had to turn on captcha because of the insane amount of spam comments I've been getting. Dontcha hate it when one bad apple ruins it for everyone else??!! ;)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Beauty's Revenge
Writing about our weekend incident at the mall started me thinking about all the other times my children have thrown up on me. The little Beast was a reflux baby, so for more than a year he regularly showered us with regurgitated milk. When Beauty came along, she was thankfully reflux-free, but did go through a short phase of projectile vomiting. One afternoon, I was walking her around trying to soothe her as she fussed. As usual, the little Beast was underfoot tugging at my pant leg to get my attention. Suddenly, Beauty exploded vomit all over the little Beast's head and upturned faced. My dear husband scooped up our screaming son and ran for the bathroom while I, being the exceptionally compassionate mother I am, hollered after him, "Don't clean him up yet - I need to get my camera!" I laughed all the way to the bathroom thinking that the little Beast had finally gotten a little taste (literally, ugh!) of his own medicine! Anyway, here is that disgusting moment captured for posterity:
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It is amazing what keeps us mom's laughing... you have to laugh... just ot keep from crying!
Oooooh. That is NOT good! And it looks all too familiar, unfortunately.
OMGosh! This is too funny! I'd have done the same thing.... get the camera! Uh, to bad he had to taste it though. Ick!
Oh my word, that is HI LAR I OUS!!! I cant help but laugh and think paybacks a b!#@$. Too funny.
Thanks for stoppin by my blog, I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to stop in anytime.
Love and Prayers,
Oh my gosh, that picture is hilarious! Your blog is so funny, Cari!
LOL - poor Beast. I would have totally done the same thing to capture it for the blog.
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