Thank you for stopping by! As I rarely have time to update this blog anymore, please come visit me at my new photoblog,
Cari Berry Photography where I'll blog the occassional Beauty and the little Beast story, as well as post sneak peeks and stories from all my photo sessions. I try to give return blog love to all visitors over there, and hope to start giveaways there in the very near future!
For visitors to this blog, please accept my apologies, but I've had to turn on captcha because of the insane amount of spam comments I've been getting. Dontcha hate it when one bad apple ruins it for everyone else??!! ;)
Missed you. Stopping by to say hi.
Comedy at its finest! Hey, where did you find that hat??? I have been searching high and low for one for my best friend's munchin.
teeheehee That is too cute.
You know those people who type LOL all the time? Well, I was actually LOLing at this... just ask my husband who has gotten accustomed to me guffawing at my computer.
This was too funny! Loved it! :)
Ha Ha... I hate when that happens!
Adorable! :)
Hi, that is so cute and funny! What a great pic!
hee hee.. bless his heart!
hee hee too cute!
That is to precious!
Write the cute things they say down. Because, before you know it, they are sassy and grown up. (My mother-in-law gave me a book to write the things the kids say down) but I always forget to write in it.
What an amazing photograph. And I LOVE the caption!
Love how he says wocks! that is just precious as the shoes are.
heehee too cute!
Okay. I am satisfied now. I saw you as a fan of the week at I Heart Faces and thought... Carebear.. where have I heard that before... And came to the conclusion of Rachel and Mr. Daddy. Instead of simply going to their blog where I could readily find your name and click the link and see if it was you, I had to lurk, I mean, search your blog until I was satisfied it was infact you, one and the same! BTW, I posted in this post because I, um, am not quite interested in some "Kentucky" Jelly, albeit I DO live in KY! LOL
That is so friggin' cute. :)
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