Thank you for stopping by! As I rarely have time to update this blog anymore, please come visit me at my new photoblog,
Cari Berry Photography where I'll blog the occassional Beauty and the little Beast story, as well as post sneak peeks and stories from all my photo sessions. I try to give return blog love to all visitors over there, and hope to start giveaways there in the very near future!
For visitors to this blog, please accept my apologies, but I've had to turn on captcha because of the insane amount of spam comments I've been getting. Dontcha hate it when one bad apple ruins it for everyone else??!! ;)
Looks like your house has the same problem mine does. I just took my 19 month old to the ER because her brother nearly broke her hand hitting it with a plastic gun. After 2 1/2 of waiting and fracture...just pain, some swelling, and probably some internal bruising. Life with 2 little ones is never dull.
Awww... Poor little thing! Just makes me want to cuddle her until the smile comes back! I hope the rest of your time was lovely!
So precious.
Oh goodness gracious. Bless her heart. She sure is cute, though, even through the tears. *hehe*
Dammit Carebear...get off the 'puter and fix your kids some real food. Enough with the "go fix your own food". She's just a baby for goodness sakes!!!
Poor Beauty! Of course, the Beast would never be involved in a stint like this, would he...
My kids are now at the stage where they can beat each other up, instead of the older one only picking on the younger one...
Looks like a sand castle building accident to me:-)
Oh, Beast. Why'd ya do it?? Poor thing. I hope this isn't a glimps of my future when this one arrives!
Oh no, that poor baby. I'd cry too! Good thing they're washable.
Thanks for playing.
LOL too funny
Oh that is cute - and maybe doesn't taste as chocolatey as it looked?
My only guess is face plant. That is what my son did in Hawaii - yikes, the mess!
What she unpotting a plant? What a sweetie, even with dirt on her face!
I'm guessing brother was involved somehow...or at least his toes!
OH no! Did she fall off a bench? Poor little angel : ). Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!
well if it looks like food, and feels like food, and tastes...oh no...wait...
How precious! I cant wait till my grandbaby gets here at Christmas!My son and DIL are here now. Surprised me! I was expecting them next weekend. I havent seen them since we flew out to CA to see them before he left to go to Iraq, so I am having a GREAT weekend and hope you are too!!!
Hmmm... one guess... and his name starts with BEAST. : )
He better watch out... someday, Beauty will read Mama's blog and see all the horrible things he did to her, and she's gonna beat him up!
Aren't you loving this weather??
Ohhh NO! Hmmm...who could it be!
Not so happy huh?
Poor Beauty!
Love it. I do hope that's mud...
Funny enough, I thought once my kids aged up, it would be less cleaning. Less mess. More independanc. Sigh. My almost 13 year old makes more mess, smell, and destruction than he ever did at 2 year old...
What is about Washington Beach sand? it is so wet and grainy. I remember it would take a week to get out of their hair:D
I miss it though. Especially Jetty Island. Have you ever been there? It is in Everett, near the port. The best place ever!! Warm sand and the water isn't deep.
Just found your blog. Enjoyed your posts and your little Beauty and the Beast are adorable. I have a Beast myself. Boys are superfun. Take care.
Did the Beast do it?
I don't think I have to guess....poor Beauty :(
Poor little Beauty!
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