Thank you for stopping by! As I rarely have time to update this blog anymore, please come visit me at my new photoblog,
Cari Berry Photography where I'll blog the occassional Beauty and the little Beast story, as well as post sneak peeks and stories from all my photo sessions. I try to give return blog love to all visitors over there, and hope to start giveaways there in the very near future!
For visitors to this blog, please accept my apologies, but I've had to turn on captcha because of the insane amount of spam comments I've been getting. Dontcha hate it when one bad apple ruins it for everyone else??!! ;)
What an adorable photo!!!
GREAT photo!!! Such a connection those two have!
That is an awesome picture! Your choice of words was perfect!
What a wonderful weekend it will be.
Too cute!
Awww.. !
YAAAAAAAYY!! Great pic too! I love shots like that!
Happy Mothers Day!
Love and Prayers,
That's an awesome photo!
Happy six word saturday.
best wishes
Perfect pictures. I love great Daddy's!
Priceless and precious!
And perfect timing for Daddy to return for a happy mother's day! :)
what a brilliant photo, so natural, and happy!!!
daddy reunions are oh so wonderful!!
Adorable photo!
Awesome photo. Must be awesome to have that kind of greeting await when you return home. Thanks for playing!
A cute little boy, lots of fun. A crazy dad, sometimes enough to make you go bonkers. A cute little boy and his crazy dad together again, PRICELESS! (that was my take of the mastercard commercial, lol, sorry I'm a dork)
I LOVE, and I mean LOVE this photo. I look at your work and probably don't comment enough, but this picture has so many great things about it. Great job and get this framed.
Oh, have a beautiful Mother's Day!
B Dad
Great photo!
Welcome home! Great picture!! I'm going to have that song stuck in my head today I think....
Fantastic picture!!
GREAT Six-Word Saturday!
That's a great application of the meme! I hope everyone is enjoying daddy being home! Maybe he'll let you sleep in tomorrow!
Sweet picture! So happy for you guys! Enjoy your time!
Horray for Daddy being home!!
Happy Mother's Day!
Great Picture!
little beast looks so HAPPY!
Adorable photo!
That's awesome!! I love that picture and the caption just makes it great!!
Cute photo! My six words are:
Excited, becoming a Granny at Christmas!!!!
SO cute! Doesn't everyone just love it when daddy comes home?
I love the look on my boys faces when daddy walks in the door. Every day. Every time, they are so excited! Love it! Oops, more than 6 words. I've always had a hard time shutting up...
The look like partners in crime!
The look like partners in crime!
So happy for you guys! Enjoy every moment!
HAHA! Great shot of a fun moment. Nothing like having Daddy home again! for mommy and the little people!
great pic!
love the new blog look too!
I am going to be a first time Granny, WOO HOO. I am so excited!!Giveaway on my blog at Post a comment on the boy name and girl name you like best out of the ones listed.
GREAT six words and I love the photo it goes with.
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