Thank you for stopping by! As I rarely have time to update this blog anymore, please come visit me at my new photoblog, Cari Berry Photography where I'll blog the occassional Beauty and the little Beast story, as well as post sneak peeks and stories from all my photo sessions. I try to give return blog love to all visitors over there, and hope to start giveaways there in the very near future!

For visitors to this blog, please accept my apologies, but I've had to turn on captcha because of the insane amount of spam comments I've been getting. Dontcha hate it when one bad apple ruins it for everyone else??!! ;)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What Were You Thinking??!!

My dear husband and I were making idle chit chat as we cooked dinner together tonight. The little Beast was underfoot as usual. DH said something about a job he had when we first got married. The little Beast screeches out:

"You guys got married???"

"What were you thinking??!!"

We all cracked up laughing, but to tell you the truth - there are days I ask myself the same thing! Ssshhh.... don't tell anybody! ;)


Bacardi Mama said...

I've been having one of those days over here too. Good thing it doesn't last very long. I've missed your posts. Glad you are back.

Mrs. M said...

That is too funny!!! :)

Rachel said...

HA ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh that is priceless! I hope you put that in his baby book as one of those legendary things he said!

That is just hilarious!

Anne said...

Ha ha ha - that is too funny!!!

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

That is so funny. Kids are always good for a few laughs.

Heather said...

Too cute!

Susie said...

THAT is hilarious!!!!

Synergy Girl said...

HAHAHA...that reminds me of when my hubby and I kissed this week...and not like an "ewie gooy" kiss, just a..."hey babe peck" and my four year old says..."eeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwww!!!! You kissed on the lips!!!!"

HAHAHA!! Oh, and in answer to that whole married question....we ALL question that....its just a matter of the frequency ;)

Mom said...

I think we all have days when we step back and wonder what we were thinking. In reality, marriage is glamorized. Nobody ever tells you how hard marriage really is when they are telling you how wonderful it is to get married.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

LOL! That is funny!

Kameron said...

Welcome back lady!! You've been missed! Kids are too funny. I love when they make you laugh like that!!

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